Why A Vancouver Process Server Perform An Important Function

الجمعة، 10 يوليو 2015

By Olive Pate

The legal system is intricate and complicated. In order to bring a case to court numerous criteria must be satisfied and many rules apply. One of these rules is that all relevant documentation must be made available to all parties entitled to them. The way in which these documentation must be delivered is also strictly controlled. A Vancouver process server can help to make sure that all the rules are followed to the letter, allowing the case to proceed.

Every citizen enjoys certain inalienable rights. One of these rights is the right to be informed, in writing, when someone intends to sue, lay a complaint or approach the court in any way. In the past, these notices were delivered by the local sheriff. However, this task soon proved to take up too much time and to adversely affect the ability of the sheriff to perform other important tasks.

Thus an entirely new type of career was created. The serving of legal papers became an occupation. These functionaries are tasked with the responsibility to ensure that the government, individuals, businesses and law offices receive relevant legal documents on time and in the correct manner. After serving the documents they have to provide proof that is has been done.

This job does not compare with that of a postman that simply have to deliver the correct documents to the correct address. Serving professionals often have to first find the recipient of documentation. Many people try to avoid being served and if the documents have to be served personally, locating the recipient can prove to be a real challenge. In some cases the recipient has moved to another state or even to another country.

Those serving legal documents also often have to deal with hostile recipients and there is an element of danger involved in this type of job. If there are good reasons to believe that the delivery will be met with violence, the functionary may request the local police department to accompany him. In some states the documents may also be delivered to the work place or to the home of a close family member and the court will deem the documents duly delivered.

Trespassing laws have also proved to be a big headache for those in the serving field. The law specifically state that it is illegal to trespass in order to deliver legal documents to a recipient. High security gated communities, guarded apartment buildings and even private security systems have made it very difficult for serving functionaries to gain access to properties in order to complete their tasks.

The criteria for getting appointed in a job like this differ from one state to the other. In some states applicants are required to complete a period of formal training and pass both an oral and written examination. In most states a thorough background check is performed. Applicants are required to have a clean credit record and no previous criminal convictions.

The successful serving of legal documents can play a significant role in the direction a court case takes. It can also play a very important role in the speed with which a case can be heard by a court. If the papers cannot be served, the case is delayed. Those serving these documents therefore play a vital role in the bigger justice system.

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