Important Information Concerning Macular Degeneration Treatment Washington DC

السبت، 2 سبتمبر 2017

By Daniel Myers

A significant number of people across the world live with visual impairments and the problem can be as a result of conditions severe than cataracts and glaucoma. The illness is brought by the destruction of the retina or the central portion. The retina is the recording organ of the eye and it sends images through the optic nerve. The organ sends images from eye to your mind. The macula found at the central portion focuses vision in the direction of the eye. When you focus you can read and be able to know the difference between colors. Macular Degeneration Treatment Washington DC is conducted to treat the condition completely.

This condition in most cases comes with age. Over ninety percent of people suffering from the condition are elderly. Meanwhile, there are two types of these conditions. One of them is the dry AMD in which around 8 out of 10 people suffering from AMD have. This type is when some parts of the macular become thinner with age any tiny deposits of the protein known as drusen crop out. A person slowly loses central vision.

Wet AMD, on the other hand, does not mostly occur and is less common. On the contrary, it is more serious and can lead to loss of sight very fast as compared to dry AMD. It is mainly caused by abnormal growth of blood vessel beneath the retina that causes leakages and scarring to the macula.

Many people do not realize that they are suffering from the condition until their visions become very blurry. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are very important in order to diagnose the problem as early as possible. This condition develops in stages. The first stage is the early AMD followed by intermediate and then late. During the early stage, there is no sign of vision problem. It is mainly known for the presence of yellow deposits beneath the retina after diagnosis.

The second is the intermediate stage where there is the presence of medium size pigments growing under the retina when eye test and examination is carried out. But the signs at this stage has not also been evident. The late stage has signs visible that do not even require diagnoses to tell.

The medical researchers are still trying to ascertain what causes the disease but so far they have not been successful. There are, however, certain factors which can lead to contraction of the disease. A patient can get this disease from parents or environmental factors. However, the disease comes at old age. It affects people mainly who are past fifty years.

Other related issues include genetics where people from a family with this condition history are most likely to suffer. The race also is associated as Caucasians mostly suffer more than African-Americans or Latinos. Smoking also doubles the risk of one developing the problem.

A certain surgical procedure can be conducted to treat the illness. Hot beams of focused light are employed by medical practitioners to get rid of these tissues and ensure that there is minimal bleeding. You can as well combine certain vitamins and minerals to form AREDS to ensure that a disease does not continue. Certain lenses can be used to help a patient perceive things well.

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