Notes On Inmate Telephone System

الخميس، 4 يوليو 2019

By Karen Sanders

Correctional facilities just like any other facility allow communication within and outside its vicinity. The inmate calling service is envisioned to be used by the inmates within a correctional facility to constantly contact their family as well as their legal counselors. Communication is imperative and especially for people who are enclosed in one place far from their family members and friends. This editorial expounds more on inmate telephone system.

Most correctional services have had their communication systems set up according to their preference and liking. There are some facilities that offer tailor made services or systems to fit the correctional facilitys needs as well as requirements. However, most of the systems across many detention centers are almost the same.

As aforementioned children are not allowed to access the detention areas due to various reasons. However, with the systems in place prisoners who are mothers or fathers can constantly communicate with their children. This has worked as many inmates are usually parents who suffer the loss of not seeing their children especially if they are jailed for life.

These phone system used in correctional facilities in many States. The communication Solutions or serivces comes as a complete package that is inclusive of but not limited to, hardware and software, including the telephone network, circuits, observing and recording means, technology that control calls, databanks that are secured, handsets, computer units, laser printers as well as other associated software.

The other advancement in the correctional facility mobile system is the, On-site video visitation. This one can also be conducted using videos. Contacts or family members basically connect using the video visit station usually located in the correctional facility lobby. This ensures that the prisoners can contact their loved ones without necessarily ever leaving their housing unit. This has been seen to work especially with cases of convicts charged of serious convictions and hence have restricted movements.

In this account it is vital to note that the calls are usually limited to about three hundred calls in a month. This is a requirement that was stipulated by the federal bureau of prisons which came out with a survey that showed a single prisoner making up to three thousand calls in a month. The many calls can be suspicious thus leading to scrutiny and the number of calls being reduced significantly.

Most prison warders escort the inmates to the calling booth and stays with them for the few minutes the convict is there. However, for some serious convicts who are not trustable, the correctional facility may appoint someone to keep an eye on the inmate as monitoring and recording is done on the other side.

It is imperative to note that data analysis done by the services providers is not only limited to the call records but also the financial transactions done within the detention center as well as the prison management systems files.

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