Automatic Sliding Doors Takes The Stage

الجمعة، 5 أكتوبر 2018

By Arthur Smith

They open up right away with no prompts most of the time. There is no need to push them or to turn a handle, or maybe even twisting a knob just to get it to let you pass. They crack automatically with your presence and sometimes with a push of a button. They work best in big open spaces or buildings, like malls, where the sensors can detect all human signatures. They are Automatic Sliding Doors.

What triggers it? Well, there is an approach sensor to it that whenever it senses a heat signature, meaning human bodies, approaching, then it opens for them. It then waits a little bit before closing back again. They are practically everywhere at this point. Whether in malls, office buildings, restaurants, and even coffee shops.

As soon as they sense the person at about a few feet away, they open right away, leaving you to walk out or in without stopping your momentum or anything. When we walk with a sense of purpose, we sometimes find it annoying when we are forced to stop or pause. The good thing about these doors is that we do not wait for it.

It waits for us, so to speak. And after you have gone through, it waits for a couple of seconds before closing back again. Otherwise, it will just keep being open until the person decides to leave. This is good because there are also moments when someone is there to deliver a lot of heavy items and will need the door open at all times.

Other than that, other people cannot enter. Some of the entrances also have security guards just in case. This is to prevent any hazard from ever happening and to avoid the bad people from ever getting in. After all, workplaces need to be safe zones for humans to work comfortably. They cannot do that if security is lacking.

If you think about it, they typically are everywhere in the world whether we all noticed it or not. From malls to coffee shops and even some smaller store. They open the typical standard way because the button pushing one and the one that needs to know who you are first are found in private locations.

Another one that falls into this is those that have a strict security system. These types may need some form of identification from you like an I. D. Or a thumbprint before fully letting you access entry and exit. They mostly are in offices that need security. These can be banks or the like but other forms of businesses also fall into it.

Most often than not, these doors are glass made. That may be because it makes the whole sliding thing easier if the component was made of thin hard substances. Then again, it also brings convenience to us because we will be able to see the other side. Once it opens, we will not be surprised if another person comes through.

Hermetic sliders might have a single wing or maybe a double. All glass ones are the same as Hermetics. The last one that falls into their category is called Clean Room sliding door, also with singular and double.

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