Blogging About Self Improvement Is Fun

الاثنين، 14 أغسطس 2017

By Ruth Carter

All of us have had life experiences. Some of these will have been triumphs, while others may have been the most ghastly mistakes. However, we have learned even from our mistakes. Passing this learning on is fun on many levels, and sending our thoughts out into cyberspace is liberating. It can also be helpful to others who need encouragement or comfort. Blogging about self improvement is satisfying and just might be a lifeline thrown out to a floundering soul.

On one level, there is the fact that we all like talking about ourselves. Doing so to friends or family may be hard. We may be alone, or they may be easily bored. In cyberspace, we have a captive audience - and we won't know if no one is listening. There are other ways that sending our messages out benefit us, too.

Since true self-awareness is rare, we gain valuable personal insight by writing our deepest feelings or constructive thoughts down. We may find that our past actions were motivated by hidden desires or resentments: maybe that hated boss reminded us of nit-picking Aunt Gilly and we just now recognize the fact. If we want to improve ourselves - and counsel others - we need to evaluate the past with objective eyes and determine with zeal to change the future.

Level two: people like telling others what to do. Even if we are insecure, inside our own personal bubble we feel like we do have valuable insights to pass on to other lost souls. If we look back over our lives, we see valuable lessons learned or disastrous leaps taken when we now can see warning signs we missed at the time.

Further, we may be of real help to someone floundering out there in the ether. Our conclusions about love, family, living on a tight budget, succeeding in the workplace, or facing an uncertain future might be just the input someone else needs. Our reward will be the glow of doing a good deed and the satisfaction of touching another human being.

Think of the pivotal moments in your life. Maybe you had a job you loved but a new manager completely changed things. Did you throw a tantrum, suffer in silence, or find a way to adapt? Did leaving a place you had felt comfortable in launch you into a new and better place, or did you quit and learn to live on peanuts? Is a job a job and worth hanging onto, or was marching to your own drum worth the risks?

Don't work? Talk about how to save with coupons, grow superior tomatoes on a vertical support on your tiny balcony, teach your kid to read when the school system fails to, or teach yourself to touch type. Writing a blog is much better typing practice than doing those dumb exercises. When you can do 200 words a minute, you can get a medical transcript job and save for the vacation of your dreams.

Anyone with a real message owes it to the rest of us to send it out. Those who just feel like babbling can be very entertaining. Imagine Erma Bombeck with a blog, or 'Dear Abby' with a virtual following.

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