Job Safety Analysis Procedures - A Major Part Of The Risk Management Process

الاثنين، 14 أغسطس 2017

By Deborah Evans

The risk of injury is an inherent part of most constructions and a lot of heavy industry projects. We can't eliminate risk entirely, but we can reduce the risk and control it using standard procedures and good work practices. Or, we can just accept it as a normal part of doing a job. The question becomes "How much risk are you and your employees willing to accept?" job safety analysis procedures are critical in any business.

Just presenting "training" is not enough when trying to install any critical safety process, and in particular when developing an effective task evaluation to thoroughly identify risk and hazard characteristics of a given task. It is critical that an effective training program be designed so that it can be effectively deployed to make clear the specific customized safety needs.

Acceptance of risk begins at the organizational level and is forced down stream to the local level. Controlling risk is typically a management function, and fortunately, there are some good tools available to help understand risk and keep it at an acceptable level. One tool commonly used today is the Job Safety Analysis.

Developing the risk analysis with employee involvement is only the first step into identifying specific hazards and risk, as they know the jobs better than anyone else. Therefore, each affected or exposed employee must be involved in the complete development of the job hazard analysis process.

The techniques to communicate issues and activities within the organization must be determined. The quality and depth of communications determine what messages and knowledge get through to all levels of the organization. An evaluation may indicate where communications are slowing, limiting full knowledge of uncontrolled hazards or known risk.

The goal is to establish a common level of risk tolerance among the team members, and there are several things that can affect this process. On any job, the judgment and decisions of the supervisory staff and employees are the most critical part of work area risk assessment and communication of local hazards. A good knowledge of nature of the work, the work environment and the health and safety hazards involved is required of the individuals making decisions on the best way to control the hazards.

The fact that each person's perception of risk and level of risk tolerance is different is one of the things that complicate communication of risk on a construction site. The JSA is a tool used to improve and document the communication process and ensure mutual understanding of risks and controls by all the people involved.

Training is the transfer of knowledge from one individual (the trainer) to another individual (the trainee) in a way that allows that knowledge be understood and used in the execution of assigned roles and responsibilities and various associated tasks. The Job Hazard evaluation can clarify and deplete underlying conflicts or confusion regards the steps needed for a better workplace

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